Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reading is FUNdamental

Jen insisted I title this post as you see above because she remembered an "ad campaign from the 80s to make kids want to read." Kind of nerdy, but it turns out the program is still around! Pretty funny.

If you know Jack, you know how essential reading is to his day. From first thing in the morning to his tuck-in at night, Jack wants his books! It's a great way to spend time with the boy, and he's extremely attentive to his stories. He examines the pages left-to-right and turns them one at a time. He's been turning the pages for practically as long as we've been reading to him.

Jack has a small bookcase that stores most of his books, and he fetches the ones he wants you to read and brings them over to you. Sometimes-- like this morning-- he gets a book and hunts you down (I was in the kitchen) and basically insists that it is time to read.

Jack also will pull out a book on his own. Enjoy the video below to see our little guy in action.

UPDATE: For some reason, this video isn't loading correctly. You can click here to view it in another window until Google gets their act together. (Yes, I just blamed Google. How could it be my fault?)

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