Saturday, August 4, 2007

Hot August Night

It's a hot weekend in DC, but Jack is staying cool. After a generous week of night-time sleeping, Jack decided he had to throw mom and dad a curve on Friday night. Awake for a feeding around 1:30am, Mister Fussypants decided he wanted to stay up and party.

Mom and dad traded shifts with the boy, employing every trick at their disposal to try to get him to fall back to sleep. Finally, around 3:30 or 3:45, dad strapped on the baby bjorn and went outside for a nighttime stroll. Jack was happy to be outside, enjoying the fresh air. Jack learned that the Washington Post van that stocks the vending machine at the end of the block is different than the one that drives through later in the morning to throw the home deliveries onto the stoop. (These are the fascinating details of a night spent sleepwalking with your infant son.)

Aunt Niki is over for a visit and we took a few pics. Last time she was here, he was in a real mood, but he's having a much better day today.
Hot August Night
We dropped in on our neighbors, Jeff and Kathleen, to see how Ellie is doing. No pictures from that brief visit, but she looks great. She's longer than Jack, but I think he caught up to her in weight. It's fun to see how quickly he is growing-- his face is filling out and his hands and feet are definitely bigger.

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