Friday, June 29, 2007

Visitors at Sibley

So our little family is here until Saturday morning. As a matter of course, they keep c-sections longer to make sure the mother is on the road to recovery and baby is happy and healthy. I'm thrilled to report that we're pointed in the right direction and we can't wait to get home (if for no other reason, we unluckily landed in the smallest room in the postpartum ward and are bouncing off the walls!)

In addition to Aunt Niki's presence, we've had a few visitors-- including my best friends since grade school in Ohio, Matt and Ben, with their wives (respectively), Mae and Tara. Mae is 6 months pregnant, so Matt was getting a glimpse into what it's like to hold a newborn (only 16 hours old when they arrived.) On Wednesday, Grand Aunt Lynne came in to see the newest Buening. On Thursday, our neighbor, Julie, extended her lunch hour to see the new baby. We appreciate the visits and look forward to seeing people when we're at home-- which after this week will feel like a palace of square-footage.

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